Friday, March 28, 2025
You are here: KI PHOTO

 I enjoy taking pretty pictures of pretty people in pretty places.


"It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness."


- Paul Strand



Type of Camera: Canon Rebel XSi

Lenses: EFS 18-55mm | .25m/.8ft / 75-300mm | 1.5m/4.9ft / High Definition 2x Telephoto Lens / High Definition .45x Wide Angle Lens w. Macro.

Filters: 58mm FLD /58mm UV / 58mm PL


Type of Camera: Minolta Maxxum 3000i

Lenses: Maxxum AF 50 mm 49mm | 1:1.7  / Maxxum AF Zoom 100-200mm 49mm | 1:4.5 /Super Wide Macro Lens 0.42xAF [fisheye]

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